Formation Grasshopper à SUPERBELLEVILLE coworking

Depuis l’ouverture de SUPERBELLEVILLE coworking, une des vocations de ce lieu transdisciplinaire pour slasheurs a été celle de devenir un lieu de recherche, formation et expérimentation autour de l’architecture paramétrique et le computational design. D’ailleurs le blog de Rhinoceros, toujours très attentif aux nouvelles tendances dans le monde de l’architecture innovante, avait relayé la nouvelle de notre ouverture ici : SUPERBELLEVILLE – – est un espace physique d’expérimentations basé au cœur de Belleville, à Paris. Il a été conçu comme une plateforme de coworking pour l’architecture paramétrique, l’urbanisme open-source, la création transmedia. Ouvert en janvier 2013 et animé par Francesco Cingolani, enseignant en architecture paramétrique dans différentes écoles françaises, il vise à créer une communauté transdisciplinaire d’étudiants, chercheurs, artistes et professionnels partageant les valeurs de la création collaborative. L’espace est aussi un lieu de recherche et de formation pour les logiciels innovants de la conception paramétrique tels que Rhinoscript et Grasshopper.

C’est pourquoi aujourd’hui je suis très heureux de pouvoir annoncer la première formation d’architecture paramétrique qui aura lieu dans le coworking au mois d’avril!

Continue reading Formation Grasshopper à SUPERBELLEVILLE coworking

open drink #2 at SUPER BELLEVILLE coworking

Après la révolution du web 2.0, dans les dernières années les démarches participatives et collaboratives (non, c’est n’est pas la même chose!) se sont transférées du monde numérique à l’espace physique et nous, les architectes, on attendait ce moment avec impatience. Continue reading open drink #2 at SUPER BELLEVILLE coworking

CTRLZ Architecture to build the first shopping mall for #openculture in #Madrid


We are glad to announce that CTRLZ Architectures has been chosen to design the renovation project for the old Cinemas of Plaza del Carmen in Madrid (image above).

For the past few years, we have been deeply involved in open culture diffusion and we strongly believe in architecture as a creative commons production. This is one of the reasons why we are so happy to have been commissioned by the Chinese company Xiu-Shui to reconvert the Cinemas into the first so-called “copy” and open culture mall that will pretty soon be open to the public.

Due to a great cooperative relationship between the municipalities of Shanghai and Madrid, that was crafted at the meetings which took place in Shanghai during the Expo 2010, Xiu-Shui has announced that the first Open Culture Shopping Center, to be named “LaSeda Market”, will be inaugurated in Madrid, Spain, in 2011.

Share the world is the motto used by Xiu-Shui to explain the philosophy behind the operation. As announced on their news page, «Silk Market malls are places where people can share the world, in which the different companies that promote the open culture as business model will have their own spaces. Share the world means open culture and open culture means share the world. Inside LaSeda Market, customers and users will be the same.»

These are really great news for us,  as this purposes totally fit with our engagements in architecture and social innovation.

We think that copyrights are obsolete and that we are quickly moving toward a “free of charge” exchange of any kind of information or product.

The open spaces of the center (image above) are sponsored by open culture companies and a speedy Internet connection will fuse this open space with the entire global Web. There, you will be able to find products of the most famous open culture companies such as Mozilla, Ubuntu, Spotify, Youtube, Android, Bubok, Skype, Twitter, Creative Commons and much more.

For more information please visit the madrid #openculture mall website at


Xiu-Shui is also one of the sponsor of the event “Noche en Blancothat will take place in Madrid on Saturday 11th of September 2010.

b/LED /// …les fleurs sont les esprits des plantes…


//// originally published on //////

“Les fleurs sont les esprits des plantes
Qui suis-je ?
Une lampe-fleur
dans le vent”

I fiori sono le anime delle piante
Chi sono?
Un fiore-lampada
Nel vento


Ecco la nostra proposta per il concorso Progetti di Luce 2008, elaborata insieme al professore Jacques Louis Famery, designer-architetto, autore della famosa sedia Kaleidoscope. Ecco il testo di presentazione al concorso:

bLED (in francese “cerale”) riunisce con semplicità ed elegenza forme naturali, risparmio energetico, versatilità.
Come una spiga di grano, puo’ aprirsi con manipolazioni semplici ed immediate. Tre diffusori di luce, la cui forma ricorda forse quella di una foglia, si avviluppano attorno un Tubo Led verticale a basso consumo.

I diffusori, composti da una leggera struttura di aste flessibili e un rivestimento in textile traslucido, possono essere spostati tramite un semplice gesto grazie a tre barrette che sporgono all’estremità superiore della foglia.
La configurazione è libera, aperta per un massimo di efficienza luminosa oppure chiusa per una luce dolce e soffusa. Le tre foglie creano sovrapposizioni di ombre sempre nuove, giochi di pieni e vuoti, la loro interazione crea una magia relazionale che rende l’oggetto vivente.

Il basamento ed il Tubo Led sono concepiti indipendentemente dalle foglie, che possono essere intercambiate tramite un sistema di fissaggio intuitivo. Questo apre molteplici possibililità di personalizzazione a seconda delle preferenze e degli usi, e permette inoltre di cambiare nel tempo i colori, le luci, le atmosfere.

bLED proporre un sistema di filtraggio della luce tramite tre elementi distinti e independenti che sviluppano delle relazioni, e questo rende possibili una flessibilità d’uso, di forme e di cambiamento altrimenti impossibili.

Progetto: Francesco Cingolani, Jacques Famery
