We Workshop, an online platform for my events in Paris

Why do I spend my time publishing things on my blog ? Since the beginning I can’t stop asking myself this question and I think that the main reason why I’m doing this is because it helps me understand what I do and where I am going.

I principally refers to my projects. For instance, since 2 years I’m working as curator and organizer of international workshops in Paris about computational design and parametric architecture. I know that I love to do that but I don’t understand why. Sometimes I can’t figure out what are the connections between different things I do.

The other day I was in Amsterdam with one of the participants of a past workshop and we havre been discussing for an hour about art, architecture, computation, life and cities. I understood then clearly that working as workshop curator means constantly meeting new interesting people coming from different countries and with different approaches and ideas. And it’s one of the reasons why I love it.

Actually, I always try to design my events as experiences that allow people to meet, share ideas, work together, have drinks, have lunch, have fun. Below is me during a Pasta Therapy lunch break during one of my workshops.



So I am keeping working in this direction, with a lot of workshop already planned for the next months and a master in computational design in progress.
A few weeks ago I created a new platform called weworkshop.org in order to put in the same place all the workshops and events about computational design, digital arts and parametric approach to architecture and collaborative strategies.

inFORMed matter workshop in October with Andrea Graziano

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After DATA BODIES in May, INFORMED MATTER is the second event of Andrea Graziano of co-de-it in Paris.
This intermediate Grasshopper workshop will focus on “data embodiment strategies” and advanced mesh modeling techniques. Below are some examples of what we will go through during the workshop.

The workshop will take place in October ( 17th > 19th ) and we offer EARLY BIRDS fees until 10th of September.

Details and applications > www.weworkshop.org/informed-workshop

Other workshops

Advanced Grasshopper workshop focused on environmental data driven design.

Dates : 5-6-7 december 2014
Partners: Hugh Dutton Associés + La Gâyté Lyrique
Tutors: Francesco Cingolani + Sébastien Perrault
Early Birds fees until 15th of October (special fees apply for students, researchers and teachers)
Details and applications > designbydata.org

FEBRUARY 2015 > wearable technology workshop

With Noumena Architecture and Arian Hakimi Nejad. Organized with Abaco.
Details to be defined. Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

APRIL 2015 > Processing workshop

With Alessio Erioli (co-de-it).
Details to be defined. Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified.

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