images above based on flickr pictures by Amber Case and Smite Me
I am very happy to share with you a post originally written for dreamhamar blog by our blogger and community manager Marisa, with whom I am collaborating in Ecosistema Urbano.
As one of my principal role within dreamhamar process is to develop theory and methodology for this architectural participation project, a few month ago I wrote What is Network Design Methodology? (originally in Spanish and translated in English by Marisa, thanks!) where I explained which methodology we were going to use for dreamhamar.
When Marisa was working to the English version of the article, she started detesting me :)
In the following text she explains why and she “translates” my words into an understandable language also for a non-architect. I sincerely invite you to read it: very funny and clear.
Thanks again Marisa for this brilliant explanation of network design methodology for participation processes!
I remember when Francesco Cingolani first tried to explain me whatnetwork design was. I remember looking puzzled. I remember going home wondering why two simple words had to combine in a concept so difficult to grasp.
Continue reading How to make pizza, network design style