What is Network Design Methodology?

Image: Creative Networking by Amber Case (Flickr)
The article begins by explaining a networked-learning project carried out at Ecosistema Urbano, called Urban Social Design Experience, and explains how this project allowed to define network design methodology. At Ecosistema Urbano we are actually applying network design in the project dreamhamar.

The article has been originally written in Spanish for La Ciudad Viva and then it has been translated by @la_madalena for dreamhamar blog

“Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” – Albert Einstein

For several months we have been developing in Ecosistema Urbano a project focused on expanded education. These last few weeks, we gave it a close look and we would like to share our thougths with you.

The project in question is Urban Social Design Experience (USDE) and we presented the first session – which ended recently – as a series of online courses (experiences). During these experiences innovative approaches and lines of work in urban culture and urban management were presented.

Continue reading What is Network Design Methodology?

Urban Ambient Awareness (UAA)

I originally published this post at immaginoteca.blogspot.com on June 10th, 2009.

La semaine derniere à HyperurbainIMAGINARIO a presenté sa recherche sur la ville et l’ Hyper-Local Internet dans le cadre de l’evenement #futurenseine.
Nous avons beaucoup parlé de la notion de “information du quotidien”, défini comme un “ensemble fragmenté de connaissances infimes constituées par les micro-communications de voisinage, le mot «quotidien» étant employé au sens d’habituel, simple, ordinaire. […]Ces échanges restent souvent à un niveau plutôt basique, mais nous croyons que ces informations petites, simple et fragmentées sont une clé importante du processus de construction de l’identité d’un quartier (ou d’une ville) et donc de l’appartenance – on ne peut pas se sentir appartenir à quelque chose qui n’a pas d’identité.”

Continue reading Urban Ambient Awareness (UAA)

Guggenheim side effects and the Architects’ originality obsession

I originally published this post at complexitys.com  on November 12th, 2009.
Image above by Mark B. Schlemmer | flickr

A recent article on ArchDaily talked about our ‘in progress’ footbridge at La Roche sur Yon.
We’re pleased to be a subject of interest for a such an important architecture website, and what we appreciate even more is the public feedback and the list of comments left, which have inspired some interesting reflections about our work here at HDA.
I would particularly like to share some thoughts on the idea (or even obsession) of “being original” in architecture, the meaning of copying someone or something, and what this could imply nowadays, in a time when everybody is talking about copyright and how it’s changing with new communication technologies.
Continue reading Guggenheim side effects and the Architects’ originality obsession