sessioni aperte per gli workshop online dreamhamar

video : sessione network design con il sociologo Andrés Walliser, direttore del workshop online PUBLIC SPACE AND PEOPLE

Qualche giorno fa ho invitato un collega, conosciuto a Torino in occasione dello Smart Building Workshop, a partecipare agli workshop online che sto coordinando nell’ambito del processi di progettazione partecipativa dreamhamar

Tutto il progetto, secondo la metodologia network design, è ispirato a valori di trasparenza, orizzontalità e apertura.
Se sei un architetto, un creativo, o se semplicemente sei interessato ai processi di creazione orizzontale e distribuita, ecco le sessioni online alle quali potrai partecipare durante la settimana di ottobre tramite il nostro DIGITAL LAB
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La France et le Génie Urbain qui sauvera le monde

“Ecological Reconfiguration of an Urban Center” par l’agence Ecosistema Urbano

Cela m’a fait plaisir de trouver un article sur, écrit par Bruno Morleo, qui cite mon blog en le décrivant comme un véritable stimulateur d’idées italo-anglo-franco-espagnol. L’article porte le titre “Le mystérieux Génie Urbain sauvera le monde” et contient des références importantes sur l’innovation urbaine et les tendances sociales de l’architecture contemporaine.

Souvent je ne suis pas sur que rédiger un blog en 4 langues soit très efficace, mais cette citation confirme peut-être que cela a un intérêt, surtout dans le contexte d’un réseaux internationelle que je développe depuis quelques années.

Alors, mon post d’aujourd’hui, il sera en français :)

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dreamhamar | opening event + graphic design


In 2 days we start dreamhamar‘s three-month long participation phase of workshops, lectures and model building where residents are invited to dream and to discuss the future of Stortorget Square, and it is marked with a big opening party next Saturday, September the 17th at 2:00 pm !

Here are some graphic works I realized with Ecosistema Urbano team for the opening event.

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USDE + DREAMHAMAR | educación expandida aplicada a un caso concreto

USDE+DREAMHAMAR | imagen basada en una foto del álbum “a day in ecosistemaurbano” de @iomanuele (flickr)

En febrero-mayo 2011 he estado diseñando y coordinando en Ecosistema Urbano el proyecto de educación expandida Urban Social Design Experience, una serie de cursos aumentados – llamados experiences – que pretenden presentar enfoques y líneas de trabajo innovadoras en el campo de la gestión y la cultura urbana.

Aquí abajo podéis ver una presentación de los experiences con los fantasticos dibujitos de Jaime.

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How to make pizza, network design style

images above based on flickr pictures by Amber Case and Smite Me

I am very happy to share with you a post originally written for dreamhamar blog by our blogger and community manager Marisa, with whom I am collaborating in Ecosistema Urbano.

As one of my principal role within dreamhamar process is to develop theory and methodology for this architectural participation project, a few month ago I wrote What is Network Design Methodology? (originally in Spanish and translated in English by Marisa, thanks!) where I explained which methodology we were going to use for dreamhamar.

When Marisa was working to the English version of the article, she started detesting me :)
In the following text she explains why and she “translates” my words into an understandable language also for a non-architect. I sincerely invite you to read it: very funny and clear.

Thanks again Marisa for this brilliant explanation of network design methodology for participation processes! 

I remember when Francesco Cingolani first tried to explain me whatnetwork design was. I remember looking puzzled. I remember going home wondering why two simple words had to combine in a concept so difficult to grasp.

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